SUNY GCC - 十大靠谱赌博平台

校园安全办公室负责处理巴达维亚校区的所有犯罪或紧急电话. All full-time officers have completed an A.A.S. degree or better and have experience in the field of law enforcement. All officers must be licensed by the State of 纽约 under the Security Act, 参加岗位培训, 急救, 心肺复苏和体外除颤器培训, 并每年接受至少40小时的连续培训,以更新他们的技能. Campus safety is responsible of enforcement of all federal, state, county laws as well as all college regulations. Each Campus Center has its own set of safety precautions. We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


校园安全 may be contacted in a variety of ways:

  • 为所有拨打校园安全电话,从办公室电话拨打x6500,或者从校外或手机拨打585-345-6500.
  • 通过电子邮件: GCCSEC@vanphongdienmay.com
  • If you witness a crime and you wish to report it anonymously use the 沉默证人表格
  • For 24/7 service outside of the 巴达维亚 campus building, 紧急蓝光电话是可用的,并直接连接到校园安全的紧急电话线. 在巴达维亚校区的交通繁忙区域有8个紧急蓝光电话.
    • 手机的位置:Aerial photo of GCC Campus, oriented with north at the top. The location of Blue Light phones is marked using numbers.
      1. College Village Walkway (on path leading east toward College Village)
      2. 图书馆 Walkway (near southeast corner of main building)
      3. Tech Lot (on north edge of parking lot outside Tech Building)
      4. Main Sidewalk Spine (near west end of sidewalk spine)
      5. 北地块高架人行道(主楼至理查C高架人行道中点附近. 调用领域)
      6. 理查德·C. Call Arena (RCCA)(主楼至RCCA的高架人行道西端)
      7. Student Succeess Center (SSC) (near the northwest corner of the SSC)
      8. College Village Hall (at center of College Village)
    • 使用电话: 按下电话外部的红色按钮,您将立即连接到校园安全紧急电话线. 电话上会闪烁蓝光,以便校园安全主任或应急人员更容易找到你的位置. All 校园安全 Officers wear uniforms so they are easily identified.
    • 当连接说明你的紧急情况. 等待进一步指示. 如果可能的话, 待在电话旁边, 或者去你可以从手机看到的最近的照明区域或建筑物入口.



海合会致力于协助我们社区的所有成员提供安全和保障. 学院提供各种各样的项目来帮助学生、教师和工作人员保持安全. Those programs are outlined in detail in the Campus Crime Report below. 校园还与当地执法部门合作,以确保学院社区的安全.


GCC校园安全工作人员包括纽约州持牌校园安全官员.  In the event of a crime on the 巴达维亚 campus, 校园安全 will act as first responders, investigate and then call the Genesee County Sheriff or State Police. It is the policy of Genesee’s 校园安全 Staff to assist with arrests. 校园安全人员向杰纳西县治安官办公室或州警察局报告任何重大的大学犯罪事件.


根据1999年暴力犯罪控制和执法法案第170101 (j)条, 所有因性暴力犯罪或对未成年人实施刑事犯罪而被定罪的人都必须在当地执法机构登记. 学生和员工如欲知道谁曾被判犯有此类罪行,可向以下机构索取:

  • The City of 巴达维亚 Police Department
    10 West Main Street; 巴达维亚,纽约14020; (584) 343-8180
  • The Genesee County Sheriff’s Department
    165 Park Road; 巴达维亚, NY, 14020 (585) 343-5000
  • 可在 纽约州性犯罪者登记处
  • Daniel Coffey, Director of 校园安全, GCC
    书院路一号; 巴达维亚, NY, 14020 (585) 343-0055 x6847


巴达维亚十大靠谱赌博平台的校园安全部门为学生提供许多服务, 教师, staff and the entire College community.


校园安全 will escort you to your vehicle upon request. 鼓励学生在上课前在校园安全办公室(B118)停下来,如果你想使用护送, 所以会有一名警官待命. 如果找不到警官, go to the switchboard and the operator will assist in locating an officer.




If an emergency exists concerning an individual, notification may be left at the 校园安全 office via phone or in person. The officer will do his or her best to locate the individual. 请注意,只有当消息是真正的紧急情况时,上课才能中断.




Lost items are generally turned in to the 校园安全 office. 如果你失去了什么, 与值班人员核对几次,因为学生和员工在一天中经常上交物品. Lost items are kept for 30-90 days depending on value then disposed of.


新学生安全巡逻队的目标是提高保安巡逻的水平, 特别是在校园建筑中, and ensure a high level of personal safety for those working, 研究, 或者住在校园或校园附近. 除了, SSP为对执法有职业兴趣的刑事司法专业学生提供了志愿工作的机会, 校园安全, 或安全. 学生安全巡逻队也协助大学校园安全人员实现他们的操作目标,并针对特殊的安全和安全需求.

学生在完成纽约保安培训课程后才有资格参加该计划. 学院的十大靠谱赌博平台每年提供几次保安培训. Students who enroll in CRJ120: Intro to Security also receive the training. To register for the NYS Security Guard training course visit 最佳中心.


  • Patrol all campus buildings as a visible deterrent and community resource
  • Assist as directed during critical incidents, at 校园安全’s discretion
  • Observe and report any suspicious/criminal activity observed on patrol
  • Perform customer service duties when required
  • Audits of campus lighting, emergency phones, access card systems
  • 消防安全设备检查
  • Assist with control of vehicle/pedestrian traffic during events
  • Safe-walk (escort) service provided as requested
  • Perform the receptionist function in 校园安全 as assigned
  • Other non-law enforcement duties as assigned.

For further information or to join the SSP program, 联系巴里·加里根, Criminal Justice professor at Genesee, 电话:585-343-0055 x6307或 .


基本应急程序旨在通过有效利用大学和社区资源加强对生命和财产的保护. Emergencies may be sudden and without warning, 下列程序的设计是灵活的,以适应所有突发事件. 进一步, since the succession of events is not predictable in an emergency, 每种紧急情况下的支助和行动计划旨在作为指南和清单,可能需要修改,以满足紧急情况的要求.

以下是十大靠谱赌博平台十大靠谱赌博平台校园关闭的政策和程序的样本, 课程取消, 吸烟和停车. Student and employee policies can be found within myGCC.




  • 留在大楼内. 
  • 锁好门窗. 
  • Continue business and classes as usual. 
  • 等待进一步指示.



  • 留在大楼内. 
  • 锁好门窗. 
  • Continue business and classes as usual. 
  • 等待进一步指示.



    • Remain inside your office or classroom.
    • Stop what you are doing, remain silent, and hide behind a secured door.
    • Turn off lights and stay out of sight of windows.
    • 沉默的手机.
    • 等待进一步指示.


在紧急情况下, 学院可以向GCC alert紧急通知系统的所有订户发出警报. 您可以通过电话(语音和/或短信)、电子邮件或传真接收这些信息. If you are already signed-up, please review your information for accuracy.

To register for GCC ALERT or review current information:

  • 访问学院网站
  • Click “Login to myGCC” and enter your user name and password
  • 点击“学生”选项卡
  • Click “Banner Self-Service” in the left column
  • 点击“个人信息”选项卡
  • 点击“个人资料”
  • Click “Emergency Alert Contact Information (GCC Alert)”
  • 完成GCC警报表单